Committee Volunteers 

Committee Chairs are always in need of helping hands. They coordinate our most beloved events at Cochise, such as the Carnival, Bobcat Bash, Book Fair and Creative Arts Festival.  


No experience necessary - just a positive attitude and a roll-up your sleeves mentality.


APT meetings are NOT required. 


Committee Volunteering is also a great first step in getting familiar with the internal event planning. Our Committee Volunteers are often recruited and trained to become the next Committee Chair or Executive Board Member!


Fill out our Committee Volunteer Interest Form and let us know where you see yourself.  


Volunteer Opportunities

We have volunteer options for as little as 30 minutes of your time.  Help with student drop off, sell tickets at the Carnival, be a Book Fair cashier, run a Field Day event, etc.


You do NOT need an orange SUSD badge to volunteer for these events.


We will post Sign-Up Genius links here as they become available.







        Details Coming Soon...